Performing Under Sleep Deprivation: Its In Your Genes
A new study has been made that sleep deprivation comes from genes. On March 12, 2007 this genetic difference was found and know called PERIOD3. This was found by Antoine Viola, Derk-Jan Dijk, and colleagues at the University of Surrey's Sleep Research Center, appear in the journal Current Biology, published by Cell Press. They have found two variants of this gene. Each person can either pocess two copies of this gene. They can either have the long or the short variant. Results have been made and people with the long variant of this gene do badly on tests. Also people with this variant spend about 50% on slow wave sleep. This means that the short variant can improve students test scores. I believe that this is not truly true. That this research is not fully tested.
Delayed School Start Time Associated With Improvements in Adolescent Behaviors
On July 8 2010 researchers found out that schools starting half to one hour late improves student academically and mentaly. This was reported on the July Issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolecents Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. Adolecents need about nine hours of sleep every night. Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H., of the Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, and colleagues, studied that delaying half an hour on schools increase sleep. "students reported significantly more satisfaction with sleep and experienced improved motivation. Daytime sleepiness, fatigue and depressed mood were all reduced. Most health-related variables, including Health Center visits for fatigue-related complaints, and class attendance also improved." (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100705190532.htm). 79.4% of students sleep less than 7 hours of sleep while 16.4% sleep 8 hours. The srudy also found out that the more time students sleep deperession decreases. I believe this is true because the more time students sleep the grades go imrpoving and depression decreases. People who sleep less than seven hours of sleep lower their grades and they get depressed and cranky and moody. I have passed through that.
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